[PDF] CS3391 Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) Books, Lecture Notes, 2 marks with answers, Important Part B 16 Marks Questions, Question Bank & Syllabus

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Download link is provided for Students to download the Anna University CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Syllabus Question Bank Lecture Notes Part A 2 marks with answers & Part B 16 marks Question Bank with answer, Anna University Question Paper Collection, All the materials are listed below for the students to make use of it and get good (maximum) marks with our study materials.

“CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Notes, Lecture Notes, Previous Years Question Papers “

“CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Important 16 marks Questions with Answers”

“CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Important 2 marks & 16 marks Questions with Answers”

“CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Important Part A & Part B Questions”

“CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Syllabus, Local Author Books, Question Banks”

You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look and download the study materials for your preparation.

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) Notes Part A & Part B Important Questions with AnswersCS3391 Object Oriented Programming

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming – Study Materials – Details

Semester 03
Department Computer Science and Engineering (ECE)
Year Second Year
Regulation R2021
Subject Code / Name CS3391 Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
Content Syllabus, Question Banks, Local Authors Books, Lecture Notes, Important Part A 2 Marks Questions and Important Part B 16 Mark Questions, Previous Years Anna University Question Papers Collections.
Material Format PDF (Free Download)

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) “R2021 – SYLLABUS”



Overview of OOP – Object oriented programming paradigms – Features of Object Oriented Programming – Java Buzzwords – Overview of Java – Data Types, Variables and Arrays – Operators – Control Statements – Programming Structures in Java – Defining classes in Java – Constructors- Methods -Access specifiers – Static members- Java Doc comments


Overloading Methods – Objects as Parameters – Returning Objects –Static, Nested and Inner Classes. Inheritance: Basics– Types of Inheritance -Super keyword -Method Overriding – Dynamic Method Dispatch –Abstract Classes – final with Inheritance. Packages and Interfaces: Packages – Packages and Member Access –Importing Packages – Interfaces.


Exception Handling basics – Multiple catch Clauses – Nested try Statements – Java’s Built-in Exceptions – User defined Exception. Multithreaded Programming: Java Thread Model–Creating a Thread and Multiple Threads – Priorities – Synchronization – Inter Thread Communication- Suspending –Resuming, and Stopping Threads –Multithreading. Wrappers – Auto boxing.


I/O Basics – Reading and Writing Console I/O – Reading and Writing Files. Generics: Generic Programming – Generic classes – Generic Methods – Bounded Types – Restrictions and Limitations. Strings: Basic String class, methods and String Buffer Class.


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JAVAFX Events and Controls: Event Basics – Handling Key and Mouse Events. Controls: Checkbox, ToggleButton – RadioButtons – ListView – ComboBox – ChoiceBox – Text Controls – ScrollPane. Layouts – FlowPane – HBox and VBox – BorderPane – StackPane – GridPane. Menus – Basics – Menu – Menu bars – MenuItem.


Anna University CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Books Question Banks Lecture Notes Syllabus CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Part A 2 Marks with Answers Part – B 16 Marks Questions with Answers & Anna University CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Question Paper Collection and Local Author Books.

Click below the link “DOWNLOAD” to save the Book/Material (PDF)

Kindly Note : There are different collection of CS3391 Object Oriented Programming study materials are listed below. Based on your requirement choose the suitable material for your preparation.

Lecture Notes

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Lecture Notes

  • CS3391 Lecture Notes Collection 01 – DOWNLOAD

  • CS3391 Lecture Notes Collection 02 – DOWNLOAD

  • CS3391 Lecture Notes Collection 03 – DOWNLOAD

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Question Bank Collection

  • CS3391 Question Bank Collection 01 – DOWNLOAD
  • CS3391 Question Bank Collection 01 – DOWNLOAD

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Important Question Collection

  • CS3391 Important Question Collection – DOWNLOAD

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Question Paper Collection

  • CS3391 Question Paper Collection – DOWNLOAD

CS3391 2 Marks, 16 Marks Questions with Answers

CS3391 Object Oriented Programming Unit wise 2 Marks, 16 Marks Questions with Answers

  • CS3391 Student Notes Collection 01 – DOWNLOAD

  •  CS3391 Student Notes Collection 02 – DOWNLOAD

  •  CS3391 Student Notes Collection 03 – DOWNLOAD

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