Welcome to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering !!!
Anna University Electronics and Communication Engineering Syllabus
Syllabus 1. Electronics and Communication Engineering R2017 Syllabus
2. Electronics and Communication Engineering R2013 Syllabus
Anna University Electronics and Communication Engineering Regulation-2017 Notes
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 First SemesterNotes, Important 2, 13 & 15 Mark Questions with Answers 1. HS8151 Communicative English
2. MA8151 Engineering Mathematics – I
3. PH8151 Engineering Physics
4. CY8151 Engineering Chemistry
5. GE8151 Problem Solving and Python Programming
6. GE8152 Engineering Graphics
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 First Semester Lab Manual 1. GE8161 Problem Solving and Python Programming Laboratory
2. BS8161 Physics and Chemistry Laboratory
Electronics and Communication Engineering 1st Semester Question Bank Collection for R-2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Second SemesterNotes, Important 2, 13 & 15 Mark Questions with Answers 1. HS8251 Technical English
2. MA8251 Engineering Mathematics – II
3. PH8201 Physics For Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. BE8251 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
5. GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering
6. GE8292 Engineering Mechanics
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Second Semester Lab Manual 1. EE8261 Electric Circuits Laboratory
2. GE8261 Engineering Practices Laboratory
Electronics and Communication Engineering 2nd Semester Question Bank Collection for R-2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Third Semester Notes, Important 2, 13 & 15 Mark Questions with Answers

1. MA8352 Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations
2. EC8393 Fundamentals of Data Structures In C
3. EC8351 Electronic Circuits- I
4. EC8352 Signals and Systems
5. EC8392 Digital Electronics
6. EC8391 Control Systems Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Third Semester Lab Manual 1. EC8381 Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Laboratory
2. EC8361 Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory
Electronics and Communication Engineering 3rd Semester Question Bank Collection for R-2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Fouth SemesterNotes, Important 2, 13 & 15 Mark Questions with Answers 1. MA8451 Probability and Random Processes
2. EC8452 Electronic Circuits II
3. EC8491 Communication Theory
4. EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits
5. GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering
6. EC8451 Electromagnetic Fields
Electronics and Communication Engineering 4th Semester Question Bank Collection for R-2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2017 Fifth Semester Notes, Important 2, 13 & 15 Mark Questions with Answers

1. EC8501 Digital Communication
2. EC8553 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
3. EC8552 Computer Architecture and Organization
4. EC8551 Communication Networks
5. Professional Elective I
6. Open Elective I

Anna University Electronics and Communication Engineering Regulation-2013 Notes
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Third Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers 1. MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
2. EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation
3. EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
4. EC6302 Digital Electronics
5. EC6303 Signals and Systems
6. EC6304 Electronic Circuits- I
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Fourth Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers 1. MA6451 Probability and Random Processes
2. EC6401 Electronic Circuits II
3. EC6402 Communication Theory
4. EC6403 Electromagnetic Fields
5. EC6404 Linear Integrated Circuits
6. EC6405 Control System Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Fifth Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers 1. EC6501 Digital Communication
2. EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing
3. EC6503 Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
4. GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
5. EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Sixth Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers 1. MG6851 Principles of Management
2. CS6303 Computer Architecture
3. CS6551 Computer Networks
4. EC6601 VLSI Design
5. EC6602 Antenna and Wave propagation
6. EC6001 Medical Electronics
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Seventh Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers 1. EC6701 RF and Microwave Engineering
2. EC6702 Optical Communication and Networks
3. EC6703 Embedded and Real Time Systems
4. IT6005 Digital Image Processing
5. EC6016 Opto Electronic Devices
Electronics and Communication Engineering R-2013 Eighth Semester Notes, Important 2 & 16 Mark Questions with Answers

1. EC6801 Wireless Communication
2. EC6802 Wireless Networks
3. GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
4. GE6757 Total Quality Management

Anna University Regulation-2013 Lab Manual
R-2013 Lab Manual 1. Ist,IIIrd,Vth and VIIth Semester Lab Manuals
2. IInd,IVth,VIth and VIIIth Semester Lab Manuals
Electronics and Communication Engineering Projects
Thesis Format 1. UG Thesis format
2. PG Thesis format
ECE/EEE Main and Mini Projects 1. Click here to explore more Projects
Thanks for Visiting !!!